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Introduction | Becoming People & Planet Positive | Stakeholder engagement | Sustainability governance | SDG index Healthy & sustainable living - Our circularity agenda - Our climate agenda - Regenerating resources - Fair & equal - IWAY Inorganics Inorganic raw materials are minerals suppliers – what information we need from Collaborations for building a responsible used in the production of metals, them and how we can partner with other sourcing scheme for sand 1 companies to in昀氀uence more sustainable glass, ceramics, chemicals and practices and sources. Silicates and sands can be found in many electronic components. IKEA products such as worktops, drinking We are members of the Aluminium Stewardship and decorative glassware, tableware, The IKEA business is a relatively small consumer Initiative (ASI), contributing to their work ceramics, wall and 昀氀oor tiles, picture frames of inorganic materials. However, those that and furniture featuring glass. Since we we do use can be found in critical applications to increase chain of custody certi昀椀cation are reliant on silicates and sand, in FY23, like furniture, appliances, lighting, tableware, in aluminium supply chains. In FY23, we the IKEA business and the University of collaborated with large steel- and aluminium- Queensland's Sustainable Minerals Institute and pots and pans. They're also used in consuming companies to pilot certi昀椀cation Photo provided by Pact in Australia, collaborated on a study aimed products speci昀椀cally designed for healthier and programmes for recycled content and chain of at exploring and de昀椀ning responsible sand more sustainable living, like air puri昀椀ers and custody for aluminium smelters. rechargeable batteries. and silicate sourcing practices. We are also members of the Responsible Continued partnership with Pact on In addition, in FY23, we participated in the We’re always looking at how to best use Minerals Initiative (RMI) working towards social improving working conditions of miners Organisation for Economic Co-operation and resources to optimise materials for the right economic development in mineral production During FY23, the IKEA business continued Development (OECD) meeting to reach out purpose. For example, we only use stainless and sourcing. building on the partnership with Pact, an to other actors in silicate and sand supply steel for products in cooking and eating chains (with Pact also participating) to learn functions or for use in wet rooms. We also use international non-pro昀椀t. The partnership, We know some raw materials don’t currently which started in 2020, aims to identify risks about their experiences and practices. Our high-strength steel in other functions, which have a renewable substitute and that the and build knowledge about the sustainability goal is to open dialogues between mining uses less material while o昀昀ering the same technology to recycle other raw materials impacts of inorganic extraction and mining and downstream sectors on responsible function and quality. doesn’t exist yet. As this process takes time, we to improve responsible sourcing and sand sourcing and 昀椀nding additional continue to be committed to working towards minimise negative impacts on people and partners. In FY23, we continued pilot mapping supply securing responsibly sourced virgin inorganic planet. Together, we are working to support chains back to their source for both inorganic materials while replacing them whenever small-scale miners in Rwanda with better and secondary raw materials. Through this possible. We’re focused on replacing materials equipment for safer working conditions. e昀昀ort, we have identi昀椀ed the main players that have the largest climate footprint. in upstream sourcing. We are now using this knowledge to investigate e昀昀ects on our direct 1 Not including fossil-based chemicals. 41 - IKEA SUSTAINABILITY REPORT FY23

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