Introduction | Becoming People & Planet Positive | Stakeholder engagement | Sustainability governance | SDG index Healthy & sustainable living - Our circularity agenda - Our climate agenda - Regenerating resources - Fair & equal - IWAY Commitments and goals FY23 summary of progress Inspiring and enabling people to live healthier, During the year, there were The integrated cold start function avoids through communication campaigns like more sustainable lives more than 4.6 billion visits to the unnecessary use of hot water for daily our global "saving energy campaign". We will develop and promote products, services and home furnishing IKEA retail through our stores activities, like brushing one's teeth, and Read more about our energy saving solutions that inspire and enable people to reduce their impact on and websites. We know we features a small aerator, reducing water services (page 10). the environment and/or improve their health. We will raise awareness have a big opportunity and 昀氀ow while preserving pressure. and share knowledge on how to live a healthier, more sustainable responsibility to make a positive As a large provider of food, the IKEA We’re a founding member of the 50L business also has a responsibility to life at home. Our focus is on energy- and water-e昀케ciency, waste reduction, healthy and sustainable food, and improving indoor air di昀昀erence through our home Home Coalition, a global action-oriented provide healthier and more sustainable quality. furnishing and food o昀昀ers and initiative focused on developing and food choices. During the year, we by sharing our knowledge. scaling innovations in water and energy continued the work of expanding and Promoting circular and sustainable consumption use in the home. In FY23, the coalition improving our plant-based food o昀昀er by Our work to inspire and enable healthy started its 昀椀rst city pilots to tackle water introducing new products such as the We will o昀昀er products and solutions designed from the beginning to scarcity. plant-based hot dog (page 13). have circular capabilities, a low environmental impact, and be made and sustainable living is focused on 昀椀ve of renewable and/or recycled materials. We will also make it easier to areas where our o昀昀er has a direct impact Research shows that two of the top acquire, care for and pass on IKEA products in circular ways. on people's health and ability to reduce their environmental footprint at circular behaviours people engage in are Creating a movement in society around better everyday living home: air, energy, water, food, and waste. repairing broken items and avoiding the In FY23, we broadened our product and purchase of home items due to aspects We will work to make healthy and sustainable living the standard of quality or fashion.1 Read more about service o昀昀erings in all 昀椀ve focus areas. practice by inspiring and enabling more sustainable behaviours how we are working to transform into a in society. This includes, for example, how we use marketing and Today, four out of ten IKEA store circular business (page 15). communication to shape demand. By advocating for policies and visitors live in water-scarce regions. We regulations that support a healthier, more sustainable society, we continue to design products that help We continue to work on enabling and strive to use our in昀氀uence for the bene昀椀t of the many. reduce daily water consumption in the inspiring consumers to shift towards more home. BROGRUND tap is an example sustainable behaviours. Part of this work of a product that enables customers to has involved 昀椀nding ways to prolong consume less water as well as less energy. the life of products and raise awareness 1 GlobeScan and IKEA, “Healthy & Sustainable Living Global Consumer Insights”, 2023. 9 - IKEA SUSTAINABILITY REPORT FY23
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