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Introduction | Becoming People & Planet Positive | Stakeholder engagement | Sustainability governance | SDG index Healthy & sustainable living - Our circularity agenda - Our climate agenda - Regenerating resources - Fair & equal - IWAY Turning waste into resources, aiming to send zero waste to land昀椀ll Preventing products and materials from Some key movements that enable the Waste performance at IKEA Industry becoming waste and turning waste that cannot reduction include a move towards paper This year, we’ve continued working with our be avoided into resources are key to a circular pallets, paper-based materials replacing Five Main Fractions methodology – where economy. By taking a holistic approach that plastic bags and wrappers, solid paper all production units analyse their situation involves product design, production, supply constructions replacing blister packs, 昀椀bre- chain management and customer engagement, and focus on 昀椀ve fractions: the largest based 昀椀tting bags and honeycomb paper volume, the most hazardous one, mixed we aim to turn waste into resources and send 昀椀llers, to name a few. fraction, the most expensive, and fractions zero waste to land昀椀ll. to land昀椀ll. Each factory prioritises and sets up a plan on how to act, test and evaluate Phasing out plastic packaging From BLANDA to BÄRFIS ways to minimise, reuse, recycle or send One of the ways we aim to prevent waste waste to energy recovery. After testing In FY21, we set a new goal to phase and evaluation, a scaling-up project will be out single-use plastic in our consumer generation is through product design. For evaluated the year after. In FY23, 9 units out packaging by 2028, and by FY25 launch example, products in our range such as the of 21 (FY22: 9) successfully achieved the goal all new products in our home furnishing BÄRFIS over the door hook rack are made Using ceramic production waste of sending no waste to land昀椀ll. range without plastic packaging. At the of the o昀昀cut material from the BLANDA to make new tableware A focus point and challenge for IKEA Industry time, less than 10% of the total annual bamboo bowl. volume of packaging material consisted Making ceramics from waste materials has has been to 昀椀nd sustainable alternatives long been a big challenge in the ceramics for ash from bio-boilers and glue water of plastics. To reduce that 昀椀gure further, Textile to textile initiative industry. Together with one of our suppliers, from production processes. We will conduct we've shifted our focus to packaging made we are now producing brand new ceramics for additional testing on these topics in FY24. In FY23, IKEA Taiwan collaborated with from paper or 昀椀bre-based alternatives. As a the SILVERSIDA tableware range from scrap result, compared to FY21, we have reduced range development to repurpose curtains materials. Launched in FY23, the SILVERSIDA the amount of plastic packaging used for un昀椀t for sale or returned from customers Halving food waste in line with the SDGs consumer goods by approximately 47% by using their fabric to create tote bags. As product series represents the 昀椀rst example and in total packaging (including consumer part of this initiative, a collaboration was of how we are successfully using ceramic In June 2023, the World Resources Institute packs, multipacks, unit loads, and handling established with the Taiwanese Industrial production waste to make new tableware. (WRI) recognised the IKEA business for materials) by approximately 44%. Development Administration and the SILVERSIDA products are made up of 65-70% halving food waste (compared to the FY17 internal factory waste. This innovation will baseline, in meal preparation at IKEA Ministry of Economic A昀昀airs to promote textile recycling. open up future possibilities for developing restaurants) in line with the Sustainable 1 昀氀ows for recycling post-consumer ceramic Development Goal (SDG) 12.3, setting an material, which would otherwise end up in a example for other companies. land昀椀ll or downcycling. 1 World Resources Institute, "IKEA Becomes First Global Company to Halve Food Waste", 2023. 20 - IKEA SUSTAINABILITY REPORT FY23

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