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Introduction | Becoming People & Planet Positive | Stakeholder engagement | Sustainability governance | SDG index Healthy & sustainable living - Our circularity agenda - Our climate agenda - Regenerating resources - Fair & equal - IWAY Taking the lead and joining forces with others through advocacy, collaboration, and business partnerships Our commitment to sharing knowledge and Engaging and leading in European Continuing to support the ongoing work working together with others to advance the standardisation work for furniture of the EU Green Deal transformation towards the circular economy circularity As policymakers advance the roll-out of continues through our engagement e昀昀orts. The leadership to set new circular the EU Circular Economy Action Plan, we While we continue to learn more about our own economy standards for the furniture business capabilities within these areas, we also continue to support their e昀昀orts by o昀昀ering engage in open dialogue with policymakers and industry continues under CEN Technical fact- and experience-based insights and other partners. committee (TC207-WG10) – furniture contributions. circularity. In FY23, this European During FY23, we welcomed the legislative A common theme that has arisen through our Standardisation Committee appointed proposal for an Ecodesign for Sustainable an IKEA representative as the convenor numerous advocacy engagements is the need to lead the work on evolving new Products Regulation, we o昀昀ered feedback for a more harmonised approach to regulation. methodologies for circular product design on the most important design elements This includes enabling more consistent trade strategies. to drive circularity, and we supported and customs practices, an aligned language, and the inclusion of products such as textiles, setting a stable foundation for all stakeholders The 昀椀rst standard (EN 17902 Furniture - furniture, and mattresses in the forthcoming across the global economy. Circularity - Evaluation method for dis/ EU rules. We also advocated the importance re-assembly capability) was approved by of certain incentives and preconditions for European National Members in October circular development, such as incentives 2023 and will be o昀케cially published in that enable more reuse and repair, setting a 2024. Additionally, the committee has modern de昀椀nition of "waste", and a scalable Renewing our collaboration with the Ellen agreed on and started working on three market for secondary raw materials. McArthur Foundation new projects as potential future standards Together with the European Furniture We renewed our partnership agreement for the subjects around repairability/ Industries Confederation (EFIC) and with the Ellen McArthur Foundation – a refurbishment, product lifetime/durability, EuroCommerce, we advanced the debate and remanufacturing. non-pro昀椀t organisation committed to within a broader industry context, aiming creating a circular economy – in FY23. We at contributing to progress in areas such as will continue working together to accelerate ecodesign criteria and the digital product the transformation to circular economy, passport. as well as actively share our learnings and experiences along the way. 21 - IKEA SUSTAINABILITY REPORT FY23

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