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Introduction | Becoming People & Planet Positive | Stakeholder engagement | Sustainability governance | SDG index Healthy & sustainable living - Our circularity agenda - Our climate agenda - Regenerating resources - Fair & equal - IWAY Waste We continue our work to develop and promote products, services and home furnishing solutions that inspire and enable people to handle and minimise waste at home. Introducing a deposit system for food containers in Germany In FY23, IKEA Germany partnered with RECUP and REBOWL to not only ful昀椀l EU obligations but also to make their cups and bowls the preferred option for IKEA customers. The reusable packaging provides customers with the opportunity to buy their drinks and take-away food from the IKEA Bistro in a RECUP cup and REBOWL bowl. The cups and bowls can be reused or returned for a refund either on-site at the IKEA store or in any of the 12,000 partnered retail locations across Germany. This saves both resources (single-use cups and packaging) and operational costs. Striving to o昀昀er inspiring sorting solutions In FY23, we launched the LÖVKVAST bin with a lid, which is designed to enable recycling habits. The design allows customers to secure two bags simultaneously for separately keeping wet and dry waste in a single location. 14 - IKEA SUSTAINABILITY REPORT FY23

IKEA ESG FY23 Report - Page 14 IKEA ESG FY23 Report Page 13 Page 15